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Yoga through the

        Eyes of Krishna – 1


           he words ‘meditation’ and     the English word ‘yoke’ has
        T‘yoga’ are very popular.        come originally from the word
        People talk about meditation in  ‘yoga’!
        seminars, conferences, courses      When we say ‘to join’, the
        for the management cadre and     next logical question is, “What
        so on. However, meditation in    should we join with what?”
        that context is to make a person  There have to be two entities
        more productive, not to enable   involved, for example: I am
        him to gain Self-realization. In  going to join medical college.
        the same way, ‘yoga’ is gene-    The river joins the ocean at this
        rally used to refer to physical  place. And ‘join’ also implies
        postures and exercises that      that the two are separate and
        enable a person to gain a        not connected yet.
        healthy body. The word ‘yoga’
        is actually derived from the     The Limited Individual
        verbal root  ‘yuj’, which means
        ‘to join’ or ‘to connect’. I think  In Vedanta, we talk about the
                                         joining of the individual being
                                         with the Supreme. Let us first
        From the talks given in Hong Kong from  try to understand the nature of
        October 11 to 13, 2016.          the individual entity, that is,

                                    For a seeker who has given up his
            SMT. SUNEETHA &         body-chariot entirely to the supreme
         DR. R.L. UMASHANKAR        control of the divine Charioteer,
                                    even disaster spells success.
                                                 Swami Chinmayananda

        Tapovan Prasad                15                       April  2018
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