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Närada Bhakti Sütra – 13


          n the previous sütras, we have  always be respectful to one’s
        Iseen bhakti svarüpa (nature of  Guru. Pride should also be
        devotion), bhakti lakshaëa  (the  dedicated to the Lord, seeing
        distinctive characteristics of   His glory everywhere. One can
        devotion), bhakti sädhana  (the  be proud to be the servant of
        means or methods of devotion),   the almighty Lord. This is the
        bhakta svarüpa  (the nature of a  way to sublimate one’s  abhi-
        true devotee) and also the gauëé  mäna. Similarly, greed can be for
        bhakti (secondary form of        näma  dhana through  japa, a
        devotion). The advice given was  never-ending desire to accumu-
        to cultivate  satsaìga (company  late the wealth of the Lord’s
        of devotees and wise people)     name, rather than material
        and avoid  duùsaìga (bad         wealth.
        company). It was also pointed    iÇêpɼpUvRk< inTydasinTykaNta-
        out that one should divinize     ÉjnaTmk< àem kay¡ àemEv kayRm!.
        käma (desire), krodha (anger) and                          66.
        abhimäna (pride). Desire may be  trirüpa-bhaìga-pürvakaà
        there, but it should be turned                    nityadäsa-
        into desire for the Lord’s love  nityakäntä-bhajanätmakaà
        and grace. Similarly, anger      prema käryaà premaiva käryam.
        should also be diverted towards                            (66)
        Him. It is to be noted that one     trirüpa-bhaìga-pürvakam –
        can get angry with God, but not  transcending the triple form
        with one’s Guru. One must        with the three distinctions;

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        Tapovan Prasad                23                   November  2017
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